Dealing With The Colder Months

Winter Snow Craftman Cape Cod Style Home

The unfortunate truth about the temperature is that it’s dropping, and will be for some time now. With Fall here and winter looming on the horizon, the most we can do is plan for the inevitable freezing cold days and snow to come. But when your home is involved in these inclement temperatures, there are… Read more »

The Dangers Of Clogged Gutters

Dangers Of Clogged Gutters | Gutter Cleaning Lehigh County | Berks County | Northhampton County

It’s been said that your gutter system is one of the most important aspects of your home, but allow us to rephrase: your gutter system is one of, if not the most important aspect of your home. Not only is it responsible for the diversion of water from your roofing, but it also prevents build… Read more »

Summer Gutter Maintenance

gutter helmet 2

This summer, it’s understandable that you want to relax on the patio with a burger and cold drink — believe us, we love that idea too! But before you fire up the grill, spend a few hours on your roof and prep if for the months ahead. Although summer doesn’t see the amount of rain… Read more »

Shed Roof Care


If you have a shed in your yard, you understand that it’s basically a scaled down version of your home, in regard to roofing. It’s got support beams, shingles, and maybe even gutters — so why neglect this fixture? You spent a great deal of time or money having it built, only to forget about… Read more »

Downspout Maintenance

While a good rainstorm makes for great ambient noise inside, it’s not so great for your home if you can’t route the water properly. If it floods, it can cause costly damage to your home. Your downspout is designed specifically to prevent flooding and over-saturation of your soil by directing water away from your home…. Read more »

Can Gutters Cause Home Drainage Problems?

When you think of things can harm your home, you probably think of fires, bad weather, etc. But did you ever consider that things meant to protect your home can actually harm it instead? If you’re not careful, your gutters can actually cause drainage problems around your home. How Gutters Cause Home Drainage Problems We… Read more »

Prevent Home Water Damage with Gutter Helmets

Did you know that flooding isn’t just a result of weather and natural disasters? Home flooding can happen as a result of poor draining. Believe it or not, gutters play a big role in preventing your basement from becoming a residential Atlantis.  How They Work Gutter Helmets work by diverting rain into your gutters while… Read more »

How to Guard Your Home Against Big Storms

Don’t you just love when a big storm knocks out your power, causes a few leaks in your roof, and takes down tree branches to block your car into your driveway? Yeah, we didn’t think so. No matter the time of year, bad weather can wreak havoc on your home if you’re not well prepared…. Read more »

Solving Excess Runoff Problems

Rain on roof

Let’s imagine for a minute; you’re sitting in your basement during a rainstorm, when you notice water on the floor. Surely this is the introduction to every homeowner’s personal horror story, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be like that. Dealing with excess runoff is something that people have been doing for years in order… Read more »