How to Floodproof Your Basement

Flooded Basement

No matter the time of year, flooding can happen. In the spring, April showers bring plenty of rainwater, and in the winter, our heavy Pennsylvania snowfall eventually melts to sit at the foot of your home.

All of that water can seep into the ground and make its way into your basement, leaving you with a big and, most likely, expensive mess. To protect your home, you should consider floodproofing your basement.

Keep Your Gutters Clean

Your gutters play a huge role in keeping water away from the edge of your home, your basement, and your foundation. Make sure to clean them after every storm, and on a regular basis beyond that. When they’re clean and empty, they’re better able to get water away from your home and protect your basement.

Extend Your Downspouts

Your downspouts should extend 5 feet away from your home and aim toward the street. If yours are shorter than that or aim at another part of your lawn, extend them and change their direction so water flows the right way.

Install a Sump Pump

If you live in an area that is prone to flooding, a sump pump could mean the difference between a flooded basement and a dry one. These devices automatically turn on and pump water out of your crawlspace or basement in the event of potential flooding.

Use the Proper Materials

If you’re remodeling your basement from scratch, certain materials are better at preventing flooding than others. Talk to your contractor about the best ways and materials you can use to floodproof your basement and keep it safe from harm.