Keep Wildlife out of Your Gutters With These Helpful Tips

Did you know that residential gutter systems can become havens for local wildlife if they’re not properly cleaned and maintained? From birds to squirrels and even disease-carrying mosquitoes, we’ve seen all kinds of critters in residential gutters over the years. The good news is, there are steps you can take to prevent small animals from making themselves at home in your gutters. Check out a few of our favorite pest-control tips below!

Clean your gutters out every few months.

Try to get into the habit of cleaning your gutters out at least twice a year—preferably at the end of the fall and again at the start of spring. Remove any leaves, sticks and other debris that might encourage critters to make nests inside your gutters. This is also a good opportunity to look for any signs of wear and tear on your gutters that might need to be repaired in the future.

Rinse your gutters periodically, too.

In addition to thoroughly cleaning your gutters twice a year, it’s also a good idea to rinse your gutters out once a month or so, particularly during the hot, dry months of summer. You can use either a pressure washer or a normal garden hose to flush out your gutters and remove loose debris before it starts to accumulate.

Install a Gutter Helmet system.

If your home’s gutters are constantly filling up with dirt and debris, a regular cleaning regimen might not be enough to keep wildlife at bay. With the patented Gutter Helmet System, you can rest easy knowing that your gutters are protected against rodents and other common pests. Best of all, you won’t have to worry about leaves, pine needles and other debris clogging your gutters anymore either!

Interested in learning more about how the Gutter Helmet system can keep your gutters clean and free of wildlife? Feel free to give us a call at (610) 372-4383 or contact us online today!